Completed race number 26 a couple of weeks ago. This was definitely a highlight race for "The Year of 40" so far. It was a 10 mile run through the exclusive Ford Plantation in Richmond Hill, GA. Famous for being the vacation home of Henry Ford, it's now an upscale living community with some amazing river front views and beautiful, grand live oaks. The course took us from the starting point in front of the Ford Mansion, out through the land bridge that went out and back into the river, through the living community, and finishing up with a final leg up the grass covered entry way back to the mansion. Weather wise it was a bit tough, as it heated up quickly and as is the case in south Georgia this time of year the humidity was high. I held out ok until mile 8 when my right calf cramped up and required a rest period of several minutes. The final 2 miles were a combination of walking and "shuffle" running which of course totally derailed my time, but in the end I finished and did so standing on my own two feet! It was still one of the most enjoyable runs I've had this year thanks to the uniqueness of the course/location. Plus, it was my first race in the 40 and above age division!
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